RFP for Eastern Half of Lot 3, Block 17, Original Townsite

Feb 18, 2021Public Notices

The City of Cordova (the “City”) is proposing to sell the eastern half of Lot 3, Block 17, Original Townsite (the “Property”). The Property is 1,750 square feet and zoned Low Density Residential.

The Property does not currently comply with the required minimum lot size for the Low Density Residential District.  T

he City is soliciting proposals for the purchase of the Property. The proposer will be required to survey the Property and merge it into an adjacent parcel of property in order to meet the minimum lot size for the Low Density Residential Zoning District.

Proposals are due March 8, 2021 at 10 AM. Proposals received after March 8, 2021 at 10 AM will not be considered.