Make a Plan; It can Save your Life

The first step towards protection in the face of a disaster, as was discussed last week, is to prepare a Family Disaster Plan. Assuming that your family has taken steps to become informed of the potential disasters in Cordova (haven’t gotten that far? Check out )…the next step to prepare your family is to actually MAKE A PLAN. Start, this week, with the following four tasks:

  • Meet with family members and talk about what the local hazards are. Explain the potential hazards our city faces to your children and explain that, as a team, your family will prepare for those potential dangers. Include your caregiver in this conversation.
  • Choose an “out-of-town” contact. Make sure everyone has that phone number…HANDY. After a disaster, everyone should call this person. Why? After a disaster, it is often easier to make a long-distance call than a local one! This way you can check on the status of one another.
  • Decide where to meet after an emergency…two places, actually. Choose one place right outside your home for a sudden localized emergency, like a house fire. Choose another location outside your neighborhood in case your home is not readily accessible.
  • Complete a Family Communication Plan. See for an example of the information each family member should carry with them. This website offers an emergency wallet card that can be printed, filled out, and distributed to each family member. This information should also be posted next to the home telephone.

Your time and effort in finishing these activities could save a life….or save you significant heartache. It is difficult to find that time…but it is time well spent.

As always. Be prudent. Be ready. Be prepared.