In addition to the master content of the site, which is optimized for mobile use, as well as regular computer access, the following “categories” exist that automatically populate special sections of the site.
City Announcements: These should only appear for a couple of weeks. When created, they should be assigned to the “Announcements” category and given a “Finish Publishing” date when published. These items then appear in the City Announcements drop-down on the home page and the news page (found from the main menu or the footer bar).
Public Notices: These should also appear for a brief period of time and include items that are required to be legally “noticed”. They should be assigned the “Public Notices” category and given a finish date.
Invitations to Bid: Like public notices, these should appear for the required 14 days, unless the notice period is extended. They are assigned to the invitation to bid category.
Election Information: These are generic “snippets of information” that appear on the election page side bar in a drop-down fashion.
Bidarki Activities: These are snippets of information for the sidebar. Articles added to the Bidarki Activities category appear in this location.
Desginated libraries include the Police Department’s Monthy Tips and Cordova Prepared articles. When such articles are created and published, they automatically are added to the respective library.