Parks & Recreation Master Plan Workshop

Feb 12, 2024Public Notices

Do you LOVE Cordova? Share your ideas and help us shape the future of our facilities and programs!

The City of Cordova Parks and Recreation Department is currently in the process of updating its Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The Master Plan will look at the existing parks, recreational facilities, programs, and services and determine the current and future level of services for the community based on public input. The plan will prioritize the needs and desires for upgrading and improving parks, recreational facilities, amenities, programs, and services.

Join us at the Master Plan Public Workshop event and don’t miss this opportunity to share your ideas, needs and priorities for improvements!

Date: Thursday, February 22, 2024
Time: 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Location: Cordova Center, Community Room A&B, 601 First Street, Cordova

If you have any questions regarding the Master Plan update, or you are unable to attend and would like to share your feedback, please contact us via email at or call us at 907 424-6274.