City E-Newsletter Decommissioned

Aug 23, 2021Public Notices

The City is terminating its “Cordova Conversation E-Newsletter”.

All content previously published under the weekly E-Newsletter is now available on’s home page.

With the advent and flexibility of our new City website as a communications platform it has been decided that readership numbers for the weekly newsletter do not justify the staff time required to produce it. Email spam filters represented a serious obstacle for the e-newsletter format.

For social media users, all City announcements and flyers are redundantly published to the City’s new Facebook page, as well.

We believe the new City website provides a more accessible, up-to-date, and higher-quality user experience for Cordovans to remain abreast of City news.

If you have concerns or questions about this shift, please contact the City’s Communications Director, Curtis Fincher, at, or 424-6228.